TTBS Tech’solutions
Phosphate and all other nutrients technical solutions
- Fly ashes/TSP/SSP/DAP/MAP
- LG phosphate rock
- Vivianite/Struvite/Calcium phosphate
- HCl
- H2SO4
- High pure products
- Tech phosphoric acid
- Soluble fertilizers : SSP/MAP/MKP
- Feed phosphate : DCP/MCP
- NP+ granules
- Clean co-products
- Al2(SO4)3/Fe2(SO4)3,MgSO4
- CaSO4,CaCl2
Process description & addressable market
- The low grade phosphate rock or the fly ashes is converted into phosphoric acid by a treatment with sulfuric or HCl acid. This leads to the production of pure phosphoric acid of high quality compared to the conventional process.
- The phosphoric acid can be further purified up to food/technical grade quality or be used to generate other phosphate products for feed or water soluble fertilizers.
Pure Phosphoric acid from Fertilizer Phosphoric Acid Grade
High Quality GSSP from Fly Ashes
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